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Bangkok’s Best Night Markets
Thailand Night Markets for Food and Merchandise
There is usually always a night market going on somewhere in town. Bangkok’s best night markets are marked by easy location, food, and merchants. There are several notable markets worth visiting, I’ve chosen to list my favs first. Some start on Thursday night and run through Sunday night. A quick Google search can vet out a lot of updated information.. things are slowly getting better online here in Thailand. TripAdvisor is much more reliable than most for reviews and information. Continue reading
What to Bring When Travel to Bangkok
Traveling to foreign countries can be exciting, however when you come to Bangkok what to bring when travel to Bangkok really depends on the type of activities that you plan on. As a world traveler I’ve learned how to travel with about 4 days worth of clothes, I’ve learned how to wash my clothes in the shower and let them hang dry. It’s recommended you try to go as lightweight as possible, you can easily buy things here quite affordably, at MBK and other places like that, but it’s nice if you want to shoot down to Phuket or Pattaya or Samui or any other place then you don’t have to lug around so much luggage. If you come to Bangkok and you plan on some nightlife you may want to bring one pair of lightweight slacks, a couple of polo shirts or collared shirts for gentlemen. Ladies can get away with very light weight dark dresses and other. Continue reading
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Live and Stay in Bangkok with Affordable Real Estate
Among the most popular destinations in Asia is Thailand. The tourist trend in this country has matched the thriving popularity of Thailand’s attractions. With Bangkok as its capital, the country has become the major entry point for millions of tourists every year. Another reason why foreigners flock this city is because it is an interesting place to visit because of its natural sceneries and modern attractions. This urban landscape is adorned with cultural sites such as Thai temples and historic statues. Modern architecture mixed with tradition is what makes Bangkok a magical place for everybody to enjoy.
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